Let's Talk Thyroid
Let's Talk Thyroid
Craig's Hashimoto's Story | 128
Craig joined my Let's Talk Thyroid Facebook group earlier this year and has been such a positive and inspiring member, sharing his experiences as he has made significant changes to his thyroid-friendly lifestyle! Craig lives in South Wales with his partner Craig, close to his son Josh and loves spending time with them and his friends doing all the 'normal' things (cooking, eating out, hanging out with friends). He is a self-proclaimed eternal student which has helped him enormously on his quest for knowledge in his thyroid journey so far!
I hope Craig's story deeply encourages you.
Some of the topics covered in this conversation include:
- Symptoms Craig started noticing (or noticed in retrospect)
- Diagnosis
- The importance of being 'fascinated' with your health
- Craig's food journey - elimination, intolerance testing and making changes
- The importance of support systems
- Changes to work/life balance
- Using the weekends to prepare for the week ahead
- Finding acceptance and forgiveness
- Craig's wisdom for other thyroid patients
- Craig's questions for me:
- Have you done a show on essential oils? (Yes #21 and #82)
- What is the something you wish you didn't do?
- Will you be bringing out an audiobook version of your book?
What is ONE THING you can take away from this episode?
Let's Talk Thyroid:
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The information provided by Annabel Bateman and Let's Talk Thyroid in any format (including but not limited to podcast, audio, video, social media, books, courses, coaching) is not intended to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nor is it designed to replace proper medical and health advice from a professional.
Annabel Bateman | Let's Talk Thyroid 2020-2024
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