Let's Talk Thyroid

Victoria's Hashimoto's Story | 112

Annabel Bateman Season 2023 Episode 112
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00:00 | 58:28

Let me introduce you to Victoria who is boldly sharing her thyroid story with you on this podcast episode.

Victoria isn't 40 yet and was suffering from debilitating swollen feet & ankles, to the point she often couldn't wear shoes. The doctors couldn't figure out why so basically ignored it until an accident sent her to hospital and the ER doctor ran some tests. She was found to be hypothyroid, put on medication and told nothing other than, take a pill every day now for life.

Fast forward a couple of years and she ends up in hospital again with a burst appendix and decided it was time to take her health into her own hands.

That was only in January this year and now the swelling in her feet & ankles is gone, her back surgery (for pain/sciatica) is cancelled, she's lost weight and is on the road to healing.

What's her secret? Well you have to listen to the episode to hear it all, but it involves being proactive, making some diet & lifestyle changes & getting a thyroid support team (which included my KISS Thyroid Coaching Program so you'll want to check that out too!) 

Enjoy being encouraged by Victoria's story.

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The information provided by Annabel Bateman and Let's Talk Thyroid in any format (including but not limited to podcast, audio, video, social media, books, courses, coaching) is not intended to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nor is it designed to replace proper medical and health advice from a professional. 

Annabel Bateman | Let's Talk Thyroid 2020-2024

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