Let's Talk Thyroid

I've just been diagnosed with Hashimoto's/Graves, what's next? | Ep 43

Annabel Bateman Season 2021 Episode 43

So, you've just been diagnosed with Hashimoto's or Graves disease, hypo or hyperthyroidism, or another thyroid condition ... what do you do next?  When you start researching online it can get overwhelming. Let's slow things down and get you started.

In this episode, I go over 10 steps to get you started now that you have a thyroid condition, including a checklist of thyroid health aspects you'll need to consider in the longer term too.

I draw upon my 25 years of personal Hashimoto's experience and that of many others in my Let's Talk Thyroid Community who have shared with me what they wish they knew when they were first diagnosed. 

It will be ok, that's the biggest message for you :-)

Let's talk further with Annabel...

Book your 60 min Strategy Session  with Annabel and get clear on your thyroid health strategy.

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The information provided by Annabel Bateman and Let's Talk Thyroid in any format (including but not limited to podcast, audio, video, social media, books, courses, coaching) is not intended to diagnose treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nor is it designed to replace proper medical and health advice from a professional. 

Annabel Bateman | Let's Talk Thyroid 2020-2024

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